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Antheraea polyphemus REPLICA BLACK BACKGROUND framed saturn moth USA
Danaus plexippus REPLICA monarch butterfly jewelry necklace earrings
$16.00 – $24.00
Antheraea polyphemus REPLICA saturn moth necklace SILVER BACKGROUND
$16.00 – $26.00
Actias luna REPLICA green moth necklace BLACK BACKGROUND
Acherontia lachesis REPLICA silence of the lambs deaths head moth jewelry necklace earrings
$15.00 – $24.00
Argiope aurantia orb weaver spider on web framed REPLICA
Octopus briareus REPLICA framed pink orange Caribbean reef octopus
Deilephila elpenor REPLICA pink elephant hawk moth China
Fosillized REPLICA rare framed specimen – choose species Graphium weiskei Urania ripheus Graphium sarpedon
Buneaopsis zaddachi RARE REPLICA framed pink emperor moth resting pose Tanzania
Acherontia styx REPLICA death’s head moth framed with movie poster Silence of the Lambs Thailand
Acherontia atropos REPLICA death’s head moth framed with movie poster Silence of the Lambs Europe