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Xylocopa caerulea blue carpenter bee Malaysia
$20.00 – $56.00
Xylocopa confusa yellow carpenter bee Indonesia
$8.00 – $28.00
Xylocopa latipes black iridescent carpenter bee wings spread Indonesia
$8.00 – $56.00
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DISCOUNTED collection of Death’s Head moths Acherontia atropos + lachesis + styx
$210.00 $157.00
Xylocopa confusa latipies caerulea FRAMED TRIO blue yellow carpenter bees
Gaeana festiva TRIO orange and green forms cicadas framed
Out of Stock
Asterope leprieuri Callithea optima Agrias lachaumei framed butterfly TRIO Peru (CIRS)
Limited Quantity: 1
Butterfly Trio ANTIQUE wood frame Papilio Heliconius Limenitis