north american leps limited edition 25
north american leps limited edition 25
north american leps limited edition

LIMITED EDITION North American Lepidoptera DISCOUNTED Framed Collection


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This one-of-a-kind framed collection displays 5 species of butterflies and moths that are native to North America. The specimens are arranged in a scientific display and are each labeled with both their common and scientific names.

All 5 of these featured butterfly and moth species are native to North America, meaning that they originate from that region of the world. Native species are important to local ecosystems because they provide ecosystem services, such as pollination, to the other native animals and plants.

Only 3 of these LIMITED EDITION frames will be available!

The specimens will come framed. See ruler in photo for approximate size in centimeters.

Species included:

Agraulis vanillae silver orange butterfly verso USA

Nymphalis antiopa mourning cloak butterfly USA

Antheraea oculea male saturn moth Arizona USA

Papilio glaucus tiger swallowtail male yellow black butterfly Indiana

Hyles lineata pink white lined sphinx moth Arizona

Additional information

Weight 11 oz
Specimen Type

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